Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Shenanigans

Hello all,

I am seriously laying in bed while I type this, ha ha!  Seeing as how it is almost 9:30pm here in the Midwest and I still have to work tomorrow. Boo! But then I have time off for Thanksgiving and I am super excited!

Sorry I wasn't able to have a quick, fun project to blog about today.  I had to work. Boo again!

After I got home from work though I was able to accomplish a few things.  I finished sewing rows together for a baby quilt, now it just needs borders, a back, to be quilted and binding!  So...still a lot of work to do.

I also cut binding to go on one quilt and started making binding for another.

And this morning before work I was able to take a few minutes to fix a few towels for my mom.  The hem just came out, no big deal!

I am definitely ready to make something for me.  I thought about it and since I have started making quilts in 2007 (when I was a senior in high school LOL!) I have only ever made one quilt for myself.  My mom said that it is the holidays and I should make something for myself.  Except I have to finish my projects for other people! Ha.  It's okay though because I still enjoy the work.

Thoughts to leave you with:
1.) I have a "rule" (I'm not sure it's a rule really, but it's....something I follow? but not quite something to be considered a philosophy? You know what I'm sayin'.....I know you do....) that I follow, which is:  I do not post pictures of something if it is to be given as a gift.  I never know who is looking at my blog (hopefully everyone!!) so I don't want any surprises ruined.  Growing up I was all about surprises, and I don't get very many any more as I get older (which is sad because truthfully I'm not that old!).  So I don't want to ruin anyone else's surprise, especially if they love surprises as much as me!

2.)  I'm not sure where I saw this so I'm sorry for not giving credit to who deserves it but...
      it was something like "There are no mistakes in quilting, they're just design opportunities!"

Love that.

Goodnight all!

Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Shenanigans

It is SOOO beautiful outside today! I can't believe we are already half way through November and it is so nice out.

This is my awesome glue gun! I can't believe I didn't own one a long time ago! Now I want to glue everything.

Today I hurried through a quick little project.
Hexies!  This was my first time ever cutting them out or ever sewing them.  I think it turned out pretty cute!  I just wanted something different to go on the back of the couch or on the foot of the bed.  I haven't backed it yet but I most likely will with muslin.

Here is something I did the other day...

I took a butter bowl...
 And used my glue gun.....
To make it just a little prettier so I could sort out some of my smaller pieces instead of them taking up a whole drawer that other fabric could go in.  This way when I know I'm working on a small project, like a doll quilt or a crumb quilt, I can just get out my tub of whatever size and sew on!

I only have 5 tubs, one for squares up to 2" and one for up to 4", the same for strips, and then one that I call my "funny little shapes" tub.

Just read an email from a Financial Statement Analysis group member...meaning I have a little bit more work to do....


Friday, November 11, 2011

Website Whoas

Is it just me or has been on the fritz lately?!

I always check out that site when I'm in need of some inspiration or when I just need a quick getaway.

I have been trying new things to organize my sewing room.

I'll will have pictures later of  what I've been trying to do organization-wise in my room with muh glue gun ;)

ALSO....I have purchased a glue gun!! Yes, yes. I know what you're thinking...oh everyone owns a glue gun!  Well I didn't until last weekend.  This morning I opened it up and BAM! I'm hooked!  I want to glue everything!

I have also been working on planning out my coupon binder!  I LOVE to coupon and I need a more efficient system.

I think that just about covers it for now!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Shenanigans

Well today is Sunday...already? Where did the weekend go?  I have made a come back from how I was feeling yesterday so I have been trying to get things done that did not get done yesterday.

I already have stuff in the crock pot for pulled pork....which you can find here.  It is so delicious! Even DH likes it, which makes anything even more fun to cook.

Here is one activity I was able to accomplish last night after the dogs went to bed. 
I don't know this for sure...but I am almost 100% positive that dogs are very similar to children.  After my dogs go to bed I make sure to be very quiet because you "let a sleeping dog lie" sort of thing.  I'm sure children are the same way.

I made dinner last night, not the healthiest of choices but it helped with my up-cycling project and cleared space in my freezer.

Take a box of some kind, clearly this is a cheese stick box, but I have also seen this done with cereal boxes and that works just as well.  Measure a few inches up the side, I believe I measured up 5" here.  Then just draw a line to the corner from where you measured up on each side. Cut!

Then cover with some scrap book paper/card stock like I did here, and I added a nice little saying that I found in my scrap book things.  You could also use newspaper (the comics section would be cute), or wrapping paper, or even left over wall paper!!  

You could let your kids join in and make this for their rooms to hold books or magazines (you do the cutting of course!) and then let them cover the box in stickers or they could color pages in a coloring book and glue them on.  They could even glue buttons on!

This project really doesn't take very long to make and there are endless possibilities of what to cover it in as well as what to make it out of or use it for!!  Plus it's very inexpensive :)

When you get tired of one box, recycle it and make a new one!  I'm sure you'll eat cereal again ;)

I am also doing laundry among other household chores today and I have several pairs of jeans to fix and a baby quilt to make! Yikes!

Enjoy your day everyone!!!

P.S.  Sorry if my blog starts to look a little messy, I'm going to start doing some construction and adding tutorials very soon! It will take me a while but stick with me!! <3

Friday, November 4, 2011

Chili Chip Costume!

Hello all!

I am taking a (very) short break from my Financial Statement Analysis project to post my first ever dog costume!

My friend Colleen asked me to make a costume for her sweet little dog Chip.  I was nervous since I'd never made  anything for a dog before, but I accepted knowing this is a task I could accomplish.

Colleen told me her and her fiance wanted Chip to go dressed as a bag of Fritos.  So I did my best and made a little "apron" of sorts, a strap to go around his neck and little ties on the side to go around his belly.

I looked at a Fritos bag as I made the costume, and I used heat-n-bond to attach the letters and then stitched around them to help them stay on in case she needed to machine wash it.

I think it turned out pretty cute.

Thanks everyone!  Later tonight I plan on posting more pictures!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Still here!

I am so very sorry I haven't been writing like I should be!

I have been keeping up with school and work lately and I haven't had time to do much of anything for myself.
I'm sure my teachers conspired against us this semester seeing as how I have a project and/or presentation in every class! yikes!

RIGHT NOW I am loading pictures from my camera to my new laptop (yes, yet again during another college semester I had ANOTHER computer decide to bite the dust on me)

I hope to get to blog either later tonight or tomorrow in between working on my Financial Statement Analysis project.  Luckily I am almost done.

I have several projects completed that I can't wait to share with you!!

Have a wonderful day all!!