Thursday, January 26, 2012

oh my!

20 days have passed since my last blog!

Well let me tell you what I have been doing!

Currently: I am struggling to listen/watch an online Microeconomics lecture. Blah.  But I have to do it so I will.
I also came to campus (where I am now..) an hour early for some help with my calculus homework.

I have a test next week in my Risk Management & Insurance class....and we've only had that class two times. No worries, I got this!

And all other classes are full of extra work too...of course.

I know one day I will look back at all of these college moments and say "Wow! And I thought I had problems then!" or something along the lines of "I wish the only thing I had to worry about was acing a calculus test!"

(I like to pretend to be wise on occasion)

Anyway...I found this organizing blog here that I intend to use.  So whatever is on this blog is what I plan on doing in my house.

Sorry this post isn't too crafty but I haven't had time to even go in my sewing room.

So now I am going back to watching my microeconomics lecture...

Have a good day everyone!

<Basically this post was to share the link for the organizing blog...haha>

Friday, January 6, 2012

Busy bee...buzzzbuzzz

YES! I have been so busy! Which is shocking since I haven't started school yet and I'm taking time off work.

Ever since the new year hit my body went into you-will-never-stop-blowing-your-nose mode.  Horrible, but I've been getting a lot done.

I've been trying to get a lot of sewing done before I start my LAST semester of undergrad! Super exciting for everyone who has ever met me (lol).

Let's the past week or so I have:
-finished a baby quilt top, quilted, and I'm almost done binding it
-finished another baby quilt top and I'm thinking of how I want to quilt it now...
-finally quilted a Christmas ...thingy? I call it a thingy because I don't know if I want it on the back of the couch as a decoration, or if I want it as a table topper, or if I want to sell it and let someone else decide what it is (haha)

Right this second I am cutting binding for a quilt that has been in my "inbox" and I've just been putting it off.

While I'm here, here are a few more pictures...

These are super cute dish towels! Here is where I found the template for the hanging part.  I just bought a 6 pack of towels from Wal-Mart and there I went! They made super cute Christmas gifts :)  Plus I used some buttons from my mom's button jar.

This is a set of John Deere "snack mats".  We've seen mug rugs and we all own place mats of some kind.  Well these mats are made for snacking! This was a gift for Christmas too :)

Snack mats for a motorcycle fan! 

This is what I have for you for today.  The weather here today is B-E-A-U-TIFUL! I hope you're having nice weather wherever you are :)